Monday 1 February 2016

Benedictine Calendar for February


1 St John, Bishop of St Malo (+ 1160)
St Clarus, Monk of Seligenstadt (+ 1043)
2 St Lawrence, Archbishop of Canterbury (+ 619)
3 St Ansgar, Archbishop of Bremen, Apostle of Scandinavia (+ 865)
4 St Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mainz (+ 856)
St Rembert, Archbishop of Bremen (+ 888)
5 St Berthulph, Abbot at Renty (+ 705)
6 St Amandus, Bishop of Maestricht (+ 675)
St Ina, King of Wessex (+ 730)
7 St Romuald, Founder of the Camaldolese (+ 1027)
8 St Elfleda, Abbess of Whitby (+ 716)
9 St Alto, Abbot of Altomuenster (+ 760)
St Marian, Abbot at Regensburg (+ 1088)
10 St Scholastica, sister of St Benedict (+ 543)
11 St Benedict, Abbot of Aniane (+ 821)
St Adolph, Bishop of Osnabruck (+ 1222)
12 St Ethelwold, Bishop of Lindisfarne (+ 740)
St Humbelina, sister of St Bernard (+ 1136)
13 St Gregory II, Pope (+ 731)
14 St Antonine, Abbot at Sorrento (+ 830)
St Boniface, Martyr, Apostle to the Russians (+ 1009)
15 St Walafrid, Abbot in Tuscany (+ 764)
16 St Tanco, Bishop of Werden (+ 800)
Ven Gaspard de Winck, Abbot in Hainault (+ 1630)
17 St Constabilis, Abbot of Cava (+ 1124)
18 St Helladius, Archbishop of Toledo (+ 632)
19 St Boniface, Bishop of Lausanne (+ 1266) 
Bl Frederic, Abbot of Hirschau (+ 1070)
20 St Eucherius, Bishop of Orleans (+ 743)
21 St Gumbert, Archbishop of Sens (+ 675)
22. Bl Jane Marie Bonomo, Abbess at Bassano (+ 1670)
St John, Abbot at Lucca (+ 1055)
23 St Peter Damian, Cardinal, Doctor (+ 1071)
24 Bl Bartholemew, Abbot of Marmoutier (+ 1084)
Bl Simon, Brother at Aune (+ 1220)
25 St Walburga, Abbess in Eichstaett (+ 779)
Ven Mary Adeodata, Abbess in Malta (+ 1855)
26 Bl Mechtildis, Oblate at Spanheim (+ 1154)
Bl Mark Barkworth, Martyr (+ 1601)
27 St Leander, Archbishop of Seville (+ 601)
Bl John, Abbot of Gorze (+ 973)
28 St Herbert, Abbot of Wearmouth (+ 8th Cent)
29 St Oswald, Archbishop of York (+ 992)


Ant. The souls of the Saints, who have followed in the footsteps of Christ, rejoice in heaven; and, because they have despised the world for love of him, therefore do they exult with Christ forever.

V. But the just shall live for evermore.
R. And their reward is with the Lord.

Let us pray.
Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that the example of the holy Monks may stir us to a better life: so that we may imitate the actions of those whose memory we celebrate. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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